Introduction: Part One
"Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Lord is there is perfect liberty." Wow! What a scripture in 2 Corinthians 3:17
What can we say? The Holy Spirit is the Lord over the earth now because of our Divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who purged creation and destroyed the sinful revolt with His lifeblood. Holy Spirit, as the third person of the Godhead was sent out from God the Father to the earth by Jesus Christ to live in and with all those who would believe through His life, death and resurrection. Now do not take lightly those three words, (life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ) for they speak of us experiencing a life-changing encounter with a living God for the rest of our lives. It is a supernatural event that lasts for an eternity. You must be living in this event to know Holy Spirit and understand He is Lord on the earth for you now.
Jesus Christ is God the son and a resurrected man who has become the first fruits of a resurrected immortality for all those who will wholly follow Him in this temporary life. He is the Lord of all Lords; the King of all kings who reigns from heaven at the right hand of God the Father. He lives constantly to search our hearts with His word and intercede for us to be fully sanctified body, soul, and spirit that He might present us blameless before the throne of our Father God.
The Holy Spirit is the Lord on the earth today exercising the will of God on the earth. He is the powerful source of freedom for all creation. He is the divine person who empowers the Kingdom of God to come and take dominion over the earth again restoring all creation God's Divine intentions. His mission is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and fill the earth with the love of God. Holy Spirit in and with believers, the body of Christ will fill the earth with knowledge and truth, wisdom and power, and the authority and dominion of God. Listen carefully now, God has ordained that HOLY SPIRIT move His Kingdom come and His will be done in and through the body of Christ. Holy Spirit performs all that was accomplished on the cross of Christ in the lives of believers and He is the power of the resurrection. He lives here with us to convict the world of sin and righteousness that they might be saved.
He lives here in each believer to accomplish the victory over sin, the system of the world, and the kingdom of the devil. He lives here in and with each believer to accomplish their personal destiny of existing. He knows why each one was sent to earth. Holy Spirit longs to fill lives with the everlasting and enduring love of the Father God for His creation.
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
Wow! What a scripture in 2 Corinthians 13:14
We are to have communion with Holy Spirit if we have given our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. But do we know Him? Communion is receiving within from another and giving into another. It is deep unto deep. When two come together giving up a part of themselves to become a part of another then the two become a strong bond, which resembles both but has greater abilities. In physics it is called a covalent bond the strongest of all element bonds. So think with me, right now in this temporary life do we give unto our Divine partner who is eternally in us and with us our daily thoughts, our activities, our dreams, our heartaches and pain, our abilities and possessions to be used, and our lives to be set apart for His use only? What we give daily to Holy Spirit, especially our undivided focus and uncompromising heart will result in a great divine exchange of His heavenly nature and God's favor over our lives.
"Now hope does not disappoint us because the Love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
Wow! What a scripture in Romans 5:5
Holy Spirit is the sweetheart of heaven as He comes to awaken genuine love in us and fill us with love beyond our human capacity. He keeps us in the love of God as we surrender to obey His voice from deep within our hearts. He alone can empower us to choose love that will overcome even to bless our enemies. In life's worst circumstances as we surrender to our divine companion within, this love comes pouring into our hearts when it seems impossible to love. Without His love we are all lost. Friends of God we are deceiving ourselves and drifting around in our religious speedboats in vain if His love does not motivates our all. We are going nowhere unless all that our lives consist of in word and deed, is not being divinely overlaid with His genuine love.
"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies: You anoint my head with oil: My cup runs over."
Glory to God! What a scripture in Psalm 23:5
He will prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies that nourishes us, satisfies us, and strengthens us with the delight of His presence and provision. The enemy cannot touch us at this table, nor can he steal or rob from it. He just has to watch us get whatever we need from our Lord. The Lord feeds us fresh bread from heaven we call revelations and meat, which is the sustaining wisdom of the age for conquering in the great plan of God. He gives us spiritual drink, like the living water to make us fully alive. Also He fills us with new wine to intoxicate us with passionate love for Him and compassion for others. He pours His holy oil over us to keep us submerged with the supernatural works in the glory of God.
"These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you."
Really think on this Scripture from John 14:25-27
Holy Spirit will teach us all things if we communicate with Him in the language He gives to us. It is a direct line to the God of all knowledge and ability needed in this world. The supernatural language of heaven comes within the believer through surrendering to the full atmosphere and power of Holy Spirit and then through it we can naturally pray and speak the perfect will of God. This language is not of the fallen nature of man but is found in the redemption of Christ and when believed and received becomes naturally supernatural to the believer in Christ. It will release Kingdom in you and around you for the Glory of God. You will be able to communicate and pray the perfect will of God when you do not know how to pray. Holy Spirit is our teacher, our revealer of all that is truth and our discerner of all that is deception. He will protect us from the error and subtle spiritual confusions of this hour. He is the one who shows us our past or our present for good purposes and the future when it is needed in the plan of our lives. He is the peace within us that Jesus gave and left with us. The world cannot give this but if we totally rely on Holy Spirit we will have His wonderful presence and assurance that He will never leave us in any of the circumstances of life.
He makes our Jesus so real and so alive to us. He longs to teach us to know the Father like Jesus did. When Jesus left the earth He handed the baton to us and sent Holy Spirit to us to fill the earth with the Kingdom of God. Holy Spirit is longing to empower and release the greater works and gifts of Jesus Christ to His body on the earth today.
Holy Spirit is that unseen Divine person that daily walks with you and talks with you. He is the one who is faithful to the end for you. He is your strength when you are weak, and your power when you are too strong in yourself. He is your eye to see what God is saying to you. He is your ear to hear the voice to obey immediately. He is your hand extended to the one in need. He is your reminder of truths of which you have lost sight. He warns you when you are in danger. He gives you solutions to many of your problems and practical answers to your daily life questions. He gives you insights of what is happening around you and in you. He shows you how to find what you lost. He cherishes you, as He knows the Father does. He challenges you to higher standards of living, He commissions you to serve the Lord on your chosen path of destiny. He always points you to the narrow way to live a testimony of Jesus Christ before all creation. And one day He will lift you above it all to a final salvation, a final glorious state, into a final inheritance and immortal body for which you were born again into the Kingdom of God. How can we resist Your Spirit, grieve Him, quench Him, and even reject Him! How can we neglect so great a salvation? Help us see this Lord I pray!
To be continued………