Lose to Win

God is doing a great work in the lives of those He knows are His; for we are the workmanship of the Lord created in Christ Jesus. Therefore we know all things in our lives work together for good because we are called of God and love Him. God is causing many to "lose all to win" the eternal inheritance and prize awaiting us. This losing all is a heart issue and the issues of mind patterns, desires, soul ties and habits. In some cases it may even be houses, lands and jobs.

If those who belong to the Lord will put off everything concerning the old nature, which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and put on the new man, which was created in Christ then true righteousness and holiness will flow within. The Holy Spirit is within to renew in the spirit of the mind to His word and His ways. Believers are to have the mind of the Spirit, the mind of Christ. The word renewed in the Greek is a derivative of neÑov, which means "recently born, new man, or new self." Every believer must experience his or her mind born anew in the Spirit. The mind must go through a complete metamorphous. That can only happen as surrender takes place in obedience to the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit. Many keep their hearts divided by mixing the new man in with the old mindsets and learned ways. The result is "no real change." Even for some of God's great ones some of these old patterns of thought are their worst enemy. Except we allow a new mind to be born in us we will not encounter the fresh new and constant regeneration of the Spirit of God. If the old does not pass away all things cannot become new. If the old wineskins are not exchanged for new wine skins God cannot pour in the new wine of the Kingdom for this hour. It could be said, "can you lose your mind to find His?"

God is working on many to lose their minds, to deflate their old mindsets in exchange for a newly born mind of the Spirit, the mind of Christ Jesus. The church of Jesus Christ's greatest need is to live and walk in the Spirit. Like Paul the apostle, believers have a need to count all of the heady religious knowledge and accomplishments of the past total loss for the excellency of knowing Christ who was killed by those with this religious knowledge. Only then can blindness be healed and God can be seen in all things and all the experiences of the past can be seen through the eyes of Christ and all that is destructive to the Spirit can be eliminated.

God is wrecking the religious suits His church is wearing so He can clothe her with the fine white linen of Christ; His rich righteousness. It is a new garment of royalty and wisdom. God is wrecking puesdo-spiritual mindsets, which present themselves as super spiritual but are mostly surface without real substance. To be spiritual is to be genuine, real and naturally supernatural. God is working havoc on our perfectionist molds that war against a free spirit. These molds bind many to their own man-made works that produce weariness. The Father God wants to see abandonment, which creates a resting in the Spirit. Holy Spirit wants us to let Him exchange this mold for all the riches of wisdom and power that are in mind and person of Christ Jesus. We must surrender to a work of losing to be winners.

Remember this scripture: Let me give you a fresh revelation from it. "Therefore, If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away: behold all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17) Holy Spirit says, If you stay In Christ Jesus meaning you must stay attached to the vine for you are only a branch. The vine, Jesus, is all that gives you life. So you must obey His word to abide in Him. You cannot slide by without doing what you know is right and stay attached. So if you stay in Christ the vine then all things, that means everything, all things in your life will be made new and kept fresh. Our flesh is like the grass, and all its loveliness like the flower of the field. The grass withers, and the flower fades. But the Spirit-word in us will stand forever fresh and new. God will be giving you new wineskins for each new level of faith, or grace or glory you reach. The old things that are stale and not productive will pass away and all things will become new. He will give us new wineskins for new wine. Yesterday's wine is old and not fresh enough or strong enough for the battles of today. He has saved His best wine for the last when the wedding of the Lamb and His bride is drawing near. His new wine will intoxicate you with His love and energize you for the battles before us.

"For the solid foundation of the Lord is sure having this seal, the Lord knows those who are His. " – 2 Timothy 2:19

"For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." – Ephesians 2:10

"Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ." – Philippians 3:8