Hearts Belong to God

The heart is the center of our being in the natural and in the spiritual. It was created by God to pump the blood through our bodies that carries all the life nutrients and oxygen to give us the breathe of life. The Bible says the life of the flesh is in the blood. (Leviticus 17:11) God is the creator of our spiritual heart as well, for we were created as spirit, soul, and body (I Thessalonians 5:23).

Heart problems are still the number one killer of mankind. I would dare to say it is still the number one killer of God life in us as well. The life of God's Spirit flows out to every area of our lives from our spiritual heart. The fullness of Christ in us is all about the condition of our heart.

Jesus said it is all about the heart when He said the Kingdom of God is within you. It is in the center of your spiritual being. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. He prayed for the Kingdom to come to earth for God's will to be done. It starts in the hearts of born again men and women, then spreads to the heart of a family, the heart of a church, the heart of a community, and even the heart of a nation.

God does not see perfect lives; He sees hearts. He looks past all the outward to see the pure integrity of our hearts toward Him. He looks to see a heart humble before Him. He sees the genuine motives of hearts to do all they do out of love for Him and He rejoices. God looks upon the hearts desire to worship no other God but Him. God is near to the heart that is in dire pursuit to be free from the revolt of a fallen nature of pride and lust lodged within every heart of all mankind. This is why our hearts must be diligently guarded and given over to the heart healer, the heart keeper, and the heart maker, our creator God.

The heart pumps the blood through the avenues of our veins and arteries to reach all of our bodies. The Spiritual heart can pump the blood of Christ through all the avenues of our lives to create His DNA in us. Jesus Christ shed the life of his flesh, his righteous blood so all the sins of our blood could be forgiven. Sin is passed through the blood. Jesus gave us a sinless blood that we might become like Him. He gave us the right to become the sons of God meaning we could actually by faith, be a partaker of His Divine nature, His DNA in us. We could have a heart like our Father God. We could have His likeness. Wow what a God! Our Father God went even further when He gave us His own Spirit to live within us as the one who sheds His great light upon our hearts to keep them spotless and blameless enabling us to see truth about our own hearts. If our hearts are in love with truth, and with being close to Jesus then there is lifestyle of genuine godly repentance that keeps us with clean hands and a pure heart.

Jesus taught that it was the things that come out of the heart that defile a person. He taught the parable of the soil and the seed in Matthew 13 showing us about our hearts. God always plants His life seed, His word in our hearts. We need good soil, good hearts to bring it to fullness of the fruit of destiny in our lives. Jesus said only 25% of the rich seed of His word that He plants in hearts ever produces 30, 60 and 100 percent crop of God life in us. Why?

Jesus gives 3 main reasons. He said because many think they must understand it with their natural mind first it never takes root in their hearts and therefore they never produce any fruit of real life. Hebrews 11 teaches us that it is only by faith (believing truth with the heart) that we understand.

Secondly many will receive it with joy but do nothing to grow deeper and go further into the things of God and therefore their root system in Christ is very shallow and when tribulation or persecution comes their spiritual life withers and produces not fruit.

Thirdly He said some would allow all the cares of this life and the riches of the world to choke out the Christ in them and therefore become unfruitful in their lives. They produce nothing that glorifies the Father.

The fruit that was produced was received in the good heart soil. That is the heart that chose the path of faith, of brokenness, of humility, of truth at all cost and allowed the Holy Spirit within to break, soften, remove rocks of iniquity and fertilize the soil of the heart with God love.

Jeremiah cried to a people, to a nation who was losing touch with all God had given them and done for them to get in touch with their heart. Hear these words that still ring with great power over all of us today.

"Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose HEART departs from the Lord, for he shall be like a shrub in the desert and shall not see when good comes." – Jeremiah 17:5-6

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord, For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes: But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the heat of drought, Nor will cease from yielding FRUIT." – Jeremiah 17: 7-8

"The HEART is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked: Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the HEART, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the FRUIT of his doings." – Jeremiah 17:9-10

"So the Lord cries out today again to His people, to His nations, "break up your fallow ground; and do not sow among thorns. Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, and take away the foreskins of our hearts, you men of Judah (you who are called by My Name) and inhabitants of Jerusalem. (who are inhabitants of my Kingdom) Lest my fury come forth like fire and burn so that no one can quench it." – Jeremiah. 4: 3-4

All of us who call ourselves Christians need to examine our hearts before God. For as our Lord says in the last days iniquity will increase and the love of many will wax cold. We who call ourselves the Lord's must depart from iniquities(2 Timothy 2:19), we must keep our hearts with all diligence for out of it are all the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Heart trouble is iniquity; heart trouble is a killer of Christ in you.

Pray this with me from your heart: Father, Our God, we surrender our hearts again. Our hearts were created for your love. Our hearts were created to worship you only. Our hearts were created to be holy before you. Our hearts belong to the Kingdom of God not to this world system. Create in us a new heart that beats in the rhythms of your love, in tune with the will and pleasure of your heart. Open the eyes of our hearts to new avenues of God-life, to healing oils of your spirit, to the refreshing winds of genuine repentance. Let the fruit of our lives produce your goodness. In the mighty name of the strong Son of God, Jesus Christ! Amen!