James 5:16
Prayer: What is it?
It is…
connecting with God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- Spirit to Spirit
sharing hearts and minds with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- To know His ways, His desires, His will
an act of love and adoration to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- His pleasure
refueling for the race of life.
- Run and not be weary, walk and not faint
equipping for the battle.
- Offense and defense
a demonstration of your faith in God.
- Seek the Kingdom first
a declaration of your faith in His will.
- I have believed and therefore I speak
a discipline of your faith in His power.
- Pressing on to the high call of God, to know Jesus Christ in the fellowship of His sufferings and the power of His resurrection.
Prayer: What does it do?
- It develops Unity and there is almost nothing is more powerful among a group of believers than the true unity of Spirit.
- It binds the gates of hell, stops the mouths of demons, and ambushes demonic plans.
- It opens gates for the King of Glory to come in with power and dominion.
- It wins wars with the second heaven.
- It takes territories, places, and people for the Kingdom.
- It creates the wind that brings change.
- It adds fuel to God's fires within and without
- It creates a shaking that crumbles man's best plans
- It lays the tracks for the Holy Spirit to come do His work
- It is fertilizes the passion in your heart to live in His presence
- It is builds power to witness in the market place
- It adds peace within that graces you with the fragrance of Christ
God cause your people to arise and advance into prayer!
You the church must come into effectual fervent prayer that decrees the next moves of the Kingdom of God.
You the church must come into effectual fervent prayer that taps into the intercession of heaven. Church, come into effectual fervent prayer that brings the heaven to earth. Church, come into effectual fervent prayer that gets into the vein of God's heart to declare His present will. Arise and advance to the effective prayer that produces the fire of God and accomplishes much fruit for the kingdom of God, now, in our world.
Jesus, we ask you to anoint us to the effectual prayer that will stop famines, wars, pestilence, plagues, flu, terrorist, homosexuality, pornography, abortion, violence and all other manifestations of the kingdom of darkness. Make us the one or the ones who will stand together in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus and united in the Holy Spirit to Kingdom purposes.
The effectual fervent prayer that continues to avail much for the Kingdom of God to come in our world is our most critical work on this earth today. The battle for this nation and our lives is fought in the place of prayer on our knees.
This is an Urgent Call to Us for Corporate Prayer
- "Effectual" means it works and it accomplishes exactly what God desires.
- "Effectual" means it is powerful to demonstrate God's will upon that which Father's eye is on.
- "Fervent" means it comes with the power of fire from the compassion of the Lord Jesus.
- "Fervent" means it consumes like fire, it saves or destroys like fire, it spreads like fire to where the Spirit of the Lord directs it.
We must stand together in oneness, in unity, and in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus to be a group of believers who can "see only God "and His will done in order to see the Father's heart pleased.
God is calling together a group of believers to be united in love and oneness of purpose allowing the Holy Spirit to come and fire our prayers with heaven's intercession?
God is calling us together to be so sensitive to Holy Spirit that He can decree through us the very heart and will of the Father for His Kingdom purposes all around us.
God asks us to drop our own ambitions, gifts, and abilities to let the Holy Spirit come and demonstrate through the effectual fervent prayers that will bind the gates of hell, stop the mouths of demons, ambush the attacks of the enemy, stop evil in schools, save marriages, nurture children, bring God's plan for businesses, bring revival to dead bones in God's house, and stop terrorists, flu, wars, pestilences, abortions, pornography, homosexuality, and everything that opposes God's kingdom. It will not be by our own mental might or our own strengths but by the Spirit of the Lord. God will "set our spirits free" from ourselves to be all He needs us to be in prayer.
Nothing is less attended or has less interest in the church of Jesus Christ then prayer meetings. Nothing is more needed yet more neglected. Nothing is more effective, or more powerful to change, deliver, heal, or redeem lives, communities, homes, or nations than the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous. The Kingdom victory in the market place is won first in the effective fervent prayers of the righteous.
Truly, the turning of this nation around for God will first and foremost happen in the small group prayer closets of America, the groups who will be faithful to come to prayer for doing the work of effectual prayer led by Holy Spirit in His beloved. Let's put our hands to the plow of effective prayer and see God move right here in greater Atlanta.