Picture in your mind a huge heart (God’s heart) coming down from heaven completely enveloping you so that your heart is being lifted up to abide and rest inside this big heart. Your heart is being consumed into His heart and becoming one. Can you see it? This is why God gave us an imagination that is like a canvas on which God can paint His pictures or like a screen where He can show us heavens movies.
This vision came as I was sitting in a worship atmosphere in the congregation of a prophetic church. I was still before the Lord listening for His voice when I saw a huge heart so big it completely covered the whole building and the entire congregation. I knew it was God’s heart. I could sense it beating as it enveloped all of us. Each heart that was longing lovingly to be with Him was being empowered with His heartbeat. I could see hearts being lifted into His great big heart. And out of each heartbeat was the flow of God’s love and power. Within each new beat of His heart there was the mind of Christ and the will of our Father.
I had been praying for several weeks for Him to show me how to live in this world every day from His heart where I first existed. I knew it was His will for us to learn how to live this life from His heart. Holy Spirit was showing me and giving me understanding through this vision.
I knew that as our hearts continually longed and hungered to be with Him that we actually are drawing His big heart closer and closer to us until we are finally consumed with His great big heart. I knew our little love sick hearts could live this life inside His big heart and we could experience the heartbeat of God. God’s heart is our Home. Holy Spirit tells me this is how Jesus knew to do only what He saw the Father doing and saying. John 5:19 .We too can know the mind and will of God and do only what we see Him saying and doing. John 14:12 Glory! Glory! Glory!