TOZ Report from Kenya

Trumpets of Zion Ministry has completed the second trip to Africa. Vince and Janee Hawks spent most of February in and around the areas of Kisumu, Kenya and some near Soroti, Uganda ministering in churches, a pastor's conference and leadership training.

Youth Meeting

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TOZ Community Church of Buyango

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Vince Hawks with Pastors

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Leadership Training Begins with Bethel Series

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Uganda Pastors Conference

Peter Onyango and Family TOZ International Apostolic Leader
Peter Onyango and Family
TOZ International Apostolic Leader

TOZ was registered in Kenya as Trumpets of Zion International with a board of Directors representing the ministry there and the one here in USA. We planted the first church, TOZ Community Church of Buyangu. They have already filled the 50 chairs we purchased and are in need of more. Land and a 10-year tent are also being purchased. The growth will accelerate rapidly as the spiritual hunger for the gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is very great.

We visited in the villages, spend some time in homes, built many relationships with leaders, and touched many children who are without parents and homes. At our meetings not once but daily we witnessed a miracle of food multiplying for the needs those who came to eat.

It was such a blessing to spend one day in ministry to a group of women, all from different churches in the area. They come together once a month to pray for their families, their churches, and their country. God was so pleased with this unity and poured out His Spirit on them.

One of the special times of this trip was ministering at a pastor's conference of 250 pastors, plus women and children in Otuboi, near Soroti, Uganda, the pearl of Africa. Here the needs are so great but the hunger was incredible. It was a great time as we were overshadowed with a powerful anointing of God, and much was accomplished to edify, exhort and comfort the body of Christ there. Again we witnessed the miracle of food multiplying because of so many who came to eat.

We have also launched a TOZ leaders training school beginning with 20 Pastors of the Kisumu area who will be completing the world-renowned Bethel Intensive Program. Some of these 20 pastors already have churches of 50 to100 members. The potential of multiplication is great as we answer the Lord's call to "Go make disciples" and to "Go train leaders who will equip the whole body as laborers for ministry to reach this last harvest of the earth." The harvest is great but the laborers are few.

The apostolic goal is to build the Kingdom of God on the earth from the vision God gives as He enables by His Spirit. While that does include churches, training centers, buildings and such, those are only the tools. The real heart and power of the Kingdom of God is only found within the spiritual quality of God-life in His people. Therefore our first priority is to build lives transformed into His likeness, abandoned lives where God can come and make His home; lives through which God can move to turn injustice to justice in this world. The pure simple gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God imparted into minds and hearts of people by the Spirit of the Lord and it amazes me that it will go anywhere in the world to any race, any age, any culture, any time to transform lives.

Would you consider helping us with this mission? God has given us this task, we are called to it; therefore we know God will speak to some of you to help us financially do the work of His heart in Africa. We are so blessed in America; we must be a blessing to others.

It is easy for us to understand this burden because we have been there to feel and see the overwhelming hunger and need. However, for you it will take sincerely asking God to speak to you about whether you are to be among the ones who help make this happen through supporting us regularly or even one time. Please just ask Him.

Previous Reports from Kenya
The Vision for Kenya
Kenya – November 2006