The Latest Message from Trumpets of Zion



    Janee Hawks

    Lord, we ask you today for real peace! Peace is “freedom.”  Webster says peace is freedom from war, violence, and all disturbances that would keep you from quiet tranquility or mental calm and serenity. 

    Peace is a heavenly commodity that has to come to earth through the kingdom of God. It is His gift to us who believe and see Christ Jesus for who He is. Jesus said when he went away, I will not leave you comfortless but I will give you another in My place. He will be My peace in you.  Peace I leave with you, it is My gift to you, and it is not the same as the peace the world gives. This peace that is so beyond our understanding is found in communion with the Holy Spirit who Jesus has given to His own. 

    I want to share one experience that has made this truth a reality that lives in me.  In 1970 I experienced a peace that I knew was supernatural and would always be with me.  My three-year-old son died after five days in a hospital struggling to live due to a tonsillectomy. Respiratory complications existed in recovery room and he was not able to regain the damage done.  I leaned into Jesus who I was just getting to know. He graced me with a holy peace and wrapped His arms of strength around me. The strength of His peace gave me a sense of security. Even though there was the shock of crisis and the deep grief of loss I was able to function in a calm state of serenity. In the weeks, months and years to follow I was to learn about His peace and His great faithfulness in the midst of the worst crisis I could imagine.

     In the midst of this particular lengthy life-storm I was divinely kept in a state of freedom from damage and despair. It was real peace. The peace rested faithfully in my heart and mind. It was not dependent on what difficulties I had to face going through a funeral, or telling his two sisters why he was no longer with us. It was not dependent on the rough days ahead for me of missing his smile and giggles, or his hugs and kisses. When I had to remove his clothes and toys from his room my tears flowed like a river but it felt that they were being kept and used to wash away my grief.  When I had to set the table without my little son’s plate my aching heart struggled in desperation for comfort and I found it in a divine person who knew pain and heartache beyond any man. Jesus shared His comfort with me and now I know how to share comfort with others.  This Peace had His strength in it that enabled me to do what I would have never believed I could do. I found a part of me that I did not know existed. There were times of grieving that I felt so life-less and despondent but as I leaned into Jesus it would change. Looking back the best description of what I experienced is it seemed like a liquid healing ointment would touch me and was being smeared on my heart. I know now it was the love of God. You see this became Jesus revealed to me. This touch was a person; it was Jesus, who has been my faithful redeemer and friend now for 38 years. And it was Holy Spirit; Who Jesus gave as His gift to be in me and with me. And through every trial of life I am still learning to lean into His Peace more and more. 

    You do not find real peace when your bank account is full, or when your job is secure, or your health insurance is paying the doctor bills. You don’t find real peace when life is handing you all sunshine and roses. You find real peace that passes all human understanding in great trials, impossible challenges, and the raging storms of life. His treasures are found in dark lonely places of emptiness, pain and brokenness. He is very near in times of trouble and so ready to show us who He is for us. He is always there to give His peace.

    Today this country is facing a storm of great velocity that will shake the lives of many, including believers. People need the Lord. This world cannot find this kind of peace until the King of peace returns again to the earth. His Kingdom is peace. Jesus Christ is real peace personified. He gives Himself to us in the gift of the Holy Spirit Who will forever be with us and in us regardless of the worst circumstances. Holy Spirit is comfort and much more.

    Lord, again, we ask you today for real peace! There is hardly a nation, a family or a person who is not in need of this real peace today.

    But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you. “Peace I leave with you; My [own] Peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.] John 14:26-27 Amplified