Cleansing Stream

The registration deadline for Cleansing Stream is approaching. Please note the following important dates if you would like to participate.

  • January 15th, 2008 – Deadline for registration so that we can order all materials before the sessions begin. You must call 404.403.0310 or email on or before this date to make this session. Payment for materials may be made after this date.
  • January 30th, 2008 7:00 pm – Orientation night for Cleansing Stream.

Cleansing Stream Ministries

Spring – Winter Discipleship

Healing and Deliverance

Cleansing Stream Seminar and Retreat

What if we told you that in just twelve weeks with just five sessions and participation at one retreat, you could:

  • Strengthen Biblical Foundations
  • Create New Disciplines
  • Establish Accountability through Relationships
  • Gain Freedom and Healing, with the Tools to Stay Free

Would you want to know more? Then read on!

Through this Basic Seminar conducted in the local church and participation at the retreat, the Lord will set you on a path of growth and enable you to serve Him and His body from a place of greater wholeness. For some it will be another step in a journey begun long ago and for others it will be the beginning. Whichever it is, our prayer is that you will be able to say with so many others, “God used this to change my life forever!”

Information About Cleansing Stream

Cleansing Stream Ministires is committed to parterning with pastors and churches in teaching and training leaders and maturing believers in personal cleansing, deliverance, and spiritual warfare so they can be released to serve, minister, and disciple others in the Body of Christ.

Cleansing Stream is submitted to and under the covering of the Church on the Way in Van Nuys, California with Dr. Jack Hayford.

The Cleansing Stream seminar is a 12-week seminar which prepares and disciples participants to receive healing and deliverance at the Regional Retreat. The Cleansing Stream Seminar and Retreat combines revelation, relationship, and restoration that brings results!

  • Revelation of foundational truths and habits for daily living through the session teachings and homework.
  • Relationship through the small groups where encouragement, prayer, and accountability provide a personal touch.
  • Restoration at the retreat through God’s truth and personal ministry from the Body of Christ.
  • The Result is God touches people and changes lives.

Here is How to Get Started


Cleansing Stream Seminar – Starts February 6th and ends April 30th.

Cleansing Stream Retreat – April 18-19.

Registration and Materials

Registration is currently underway. To register, email with your name, address, and phone number. You can send a check or money order to Trumpets of Zion for payment of materials. Please make the check out to Trumpets of Zion and clearly mark it as payment for Cleansing Stream materials. Checks may be sent to:

Trumpets of Zion

382 Homestead Drive

Dallas, GA 30157

Please note the deadline to order materials is January 15th.

Cost of Materials

$118 per couple.

$83 per individual.

Seminar Location

Cleansing Stream will meet on Wednesday nights at the Trumpets of Zion Ministry Center. Please visit for directions.