I believe there has been a release from hell of a horde of demonic interference hacking into the atmosphere of God's beloved. This is to keep you from what God is saying, or doing, or giving, or wanting you to see. It comes to mess up your normal attentive and responding "frequencies" in your spirit. It is to hinder your reading, your praying, and your obedience and response to God. It is to distract you. It brings interference into all communications. It brings feelings with it such as, too busy, not interesting, can't concentrate, confusion, misunderstanding, heard it before, its not doing anything for me, don't need it, and on and on. Its sole purpose is always to bring some form of death in the eternal soul of God's beloved. He has not changed his age-old tactic from the Garden of Eden. He wants to keep you from walking in the garden with your God clothed with His glory. This is called spiritual warfare. This is admonition to stay alert, awake, and faithful to resist it so it will flee defeated.
The devil tries to be like a Lion as he seeks to counterfeit God in everything. He roars seeking whom he may rob, steal and kill. First he wants to kill your faith little by little, because you can't please God without faith. He seeks to rob from you all your prayers, dreams, promises and destinies. You must stand strong on every word God has spoken and move forward in greater faith then ever before. Let every difficulty, temptation, or offence just push you closer to God. Make all the sacrifices to obey God and follow at all cost. The counterfeit Lion roars seeking to steal all your goods from you and your house. Selah!
The evil lion is violently passionate and skillfully aggressive to steal love out of your relationships first with your God and then your marriage. High priority on his agenda is to divide and separate families both natural and spiritual because it affects a whole nation. He wants to destroy the ministries of the Spirit and diffuse the gifting of God in His people before it ever reaches full fruitfulness. He wants to steal your financial prosperity binding your ability to be able to move in His will and bless the Kingdom of God. He wants to pollute or contaminate the purity of good character in the body of Christ by causing a mixture through his subtle plants of tolerance, compromise, disobedience or pride and selfish ambitions. If believers allow these things he can rob God's people of their rightful full measure of the Holy Spirit and the empowerment of His Holy fire so critical for this day and hour. The only power the enemy has to enter our domain is our ignorance and passivity, our flesh, or our disobedience.
However, when Jesus Christ is the strong man of your temple and your house then you and all your goods are kept by the power of God. Jesus Christ must be the stronghold of your entire life. Jesus must be greater in you then anything or any other. Simply make Him Lord of All.
So we must humble ourselves before a mighty God and ask for more grace refusing to lean on our own understanding or on the arm of flesh. We must resist the devil with bold faith and humble obedience and he will flee. We must decree the truth of His word that no weapon formed against us will prosper. We must know we are sons led by His indwelling Spirit and take authority over the demonic devisees that come our way. We must know we are a pearl of great price because we belong to the God of all creation and power and He says "Is anything to hard for the Lord?" His word declares, "With God all things are possible", and "All that is impossible with man is possible with God." He roars as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to us, you can do all things through the Christ, Who is in you. The Father God says, I will do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think according to the power which works inside of the believer, for Christ in you is the hope of Glory. For Of God and through God, and to God are ALL THINGS, to Him be glory forever. Amen
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. – I Peter 5:6-10 NIV
Romans 11:36; Genesis 18:14;Isaiah 54:17; Luke 18:27; Mark 10:27; Colossians 1:27; Ephesians 3:20