The Father God longs to see the body of Christ arise to its fullness in His Son. The Father longs to see maturity in the body of His Son. It is time for the Bride of Christ to arise. These are the hearts full of love for Him and one another. The number one sign of the true disciples of Jesus Christ is not signs and wonders but rather their pure love for one another. (I John 3:16; John 13:35) It is time for the Sons of God to stand up in all the mature authority that was bought for them through the blood and body of their Head, the Lord Jesus Christ. And those of us that walk with Jesus are the Sons of God now. (I Jo.3: 1-3)
It is time to walk with Jesus Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the root of David, who is prevailing for the Kingdom of God now. The whole creation groans waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God, (Romans 8) and for the curse to be lifted off the earth and the King of Kings to come to the earth and reign. The whole creation is groaning in this season of the fullness of sin. The whole creation groans with the birth pains of the Kingdom of God to be established upon the earth.
The Lord is planting churches and bringing dead churches to life again. The Lord is also planting centers of apostolic and prophetic anointing to train disciples and send them into the world with His love and power. He is raising up Special Forces of small-unified bodies who are mature and can go into places of darkness others cannot go. God is birthing as many ministries as the sands in the sea to overcome the darkness and bring the Light of life to many. God is not just after the full time ministers of the Gospel as we have known in the past. God wants the multiplication anointing of fully equipped disciples of Jesus Christ who are making other disciples that will make other disciples.
We need all parts of the body of Christ corporately around the world and in every city and community. We need the large churches that are reaching the masses to turn their people away from complacency and lukewarm lives toward God. We need the small churches; we need the training centers; we need every planted work of the Lord today in all their uniqueness. The body of Christ must forsake all their judgments, their criticalness, their competitiveness, and comparison to join a unified love force for the Kingdom of God on the earth. The enemy of our lives laughs as he sees the church of Jesus Christ devour one another. Our worst enemy is ourselves and all hell rejoices as Pastors keep their distance and remain enemies instead of friends of God who love and encourage and bless one another's churches, seeking not their own but preferring one another. Any new ministries that God raises up for his purpose must meet head on with the religious traditions of man, competitive attitudes and threatened pastors rather than embracing what God is doing.
Why can't we let God have the reins letting Him be God? We will know what is God and what is not if we know the truth and the Spirit of Truth prevails in us. We do not have to fall prey to persecuting the new things God is doing if we stay moving with God in what He is doing. We cannot stand stationary on what we have always done. We must be ever changing with God. He is always progressing, never changing His patterns or principals, but always changing His methods. You stand solid, and unchanging in the River of His Spirit, so far in that you are out of control and then you are just moved along with the flow of the River.
We who have the Spirit of Christ within are all the body of Christ, we all drink of one Spirit, we all eat of the same food, we all follow the Rock; One Lord, One faith, One body. We are uniquely fit together as different members who have different giftings and personalities but all for the profit of the whole body and all for the glory of God. Without the body coming together to give each other its God-given supply the knitting together of the Spirit that causes the body to mature and edify itself in love is lost.
We must become unified as Christ's whole body over a region and work together with Jesus Christ as our one and only foundation. The churches are to build carefully on that foundation through the Apostles and Prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone. The whole body of Christ is to be equipped in maturity for the work of ministry. This releases to the whole body of Christ the wisdom of God for the ages of time. We must have the wisdom of God for this age now.
One gift or office in the body is not greater than the other. He who plants is nothing, nor is he that waters, but rather God, who is the only one who can give the increase. Each part of Christ's body is equally important, even to the smallest and seemingly less presentable for the necessary love to work this continual edification process of itself. We church of America are lacking. We are falling short of this unity. We must repent and call upon our God for a divine conviction over our leaders of all churches of Jesus Christ.
We must cleanse ourselves of this destructive " pride of life" before we walk out of this darkness into the glory of God that is available to us.
These following scriptures reveal a message:
- I Corinthians 12
- I Peter 4:7-11
- Romans 12:3-10
- I Corinthians 3: 6-15
- I Corinthians 4:1-5
- Ephesians 2:19-3:5
- Colossians 2:19
- Ephesians 4:1-16..
- Colossians 3:13-17
- John 4:23-24
Church why do we forsake not the assembling of ourselves together so much more as we see this day approaching?
The number one reason is for the body of Christ to be equipped to its fullness and begin to edify itself in love. This work requires the gifts that belong to Jesus that He alone gives. They are apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher. The church must become an equipping center.
Secondly, we must come together to allow the Holy Sprit to distribute His gifts to and through the body of Christ for the profit of all. This will edify, comfort and exhort the whole body of the earth. The Holy Spirit gives the gifts of words of wisdom, words of knowledge, discerning of spirits, gifts of faith, healings, and working of miracles. He gives also gifts of tongues, interpretation of those tongues, and prophecy. They belong to Him and he divides them in a way that will bring loving unity to the whole body.
Thirdly, God loves His family to come together so He can give to them. He wants to be intimate with His family. He wants to plant His nature in us. He wants to make corporate and individual deposits of treasures into the lives of His own image as they come together. Our God is fulfilled in giving His love to us. We need to return it to Him by coming together and just worship Him and no other and no other spiritual things.
The Lord says when my body can walk in the unified love I designed for them and edify itself in my love I am truly worshipped in Spirit and Truth. The Father is seeking such to worship him. We must lay down our lusts of spiritual ambition, our pride of ministry, and our lust of seeing just numbers, seeing just positions, seeing just the popular and being honored by religious standards. The Fathers heart is aching for the whole body of Christ to come alive to be resurrected on the earth. We are the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ. He wants to live in His fullness again through His body on the earth before He returns.
"Church come forth, come up into Him, and worship our Him in Spirit and in the Truth"
Oh God give the ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.