Kenya Trip

Janee, Tim and Suzanne traveled to Kenya November 5-15 2006. We arrived in Nairobi for one night stay and traveled a rugged 8-hour bus trip to Kisumu, Kenya to meet our guide, Apostle Peter Onyango and his family. The bus trip with all it included shook America out of us real quick.

We spent most of the days ministering and teaching Pastors and leaders from around the Kisumu area. God met us in a real glorious way. We had a day of ministering to several of the women of the area. It was a precious and intimate time with them. We also had some times to teach many children including orphans. We were able to feed a good meal to a bunch of orphans. We went to schools to pray with the head masters, teachers and over the schools. We went to the village jail and ministered, seeing 3 of the police officers saved. We also drove across the Uganda border to pray and intercede for a much needed move of God. We planned to do a conference at the mission there on the next trip.

God was faithful to us through the battles and the fast pace. God moved mightily with anointing to preach the gospel to the poor, to see Him heal the broken hearted, set the captives free, set at liberty the bruised, open blind spiritual eyes and ears. We were awed and overwhelmed at the love of God for the people and from the people of Kenya.

It was a special blessing to be a part of the families and culture there and to feel that because of Christ through us some were saved, and the church was blessed and refreshed. We believe God started a move of His presence there, some experienced the fire of God and many tasted the goodness of the Lord. We give our great and mighty God who is "The Faithful One" all the praise and glory for lasting fruit in the Kingdom of God in Kenya. We also look forward to more opportunities to do the will of God in Kenya in the near future.