Someone asked me today, "How are you, are you crazy busy?" The question immediately brought a response up in me and I answered No, not really. It seemed like a good reminder to what my focus was to be especially in the hustle and bustle of this season. God help us not to follow the masses in a rat race of the Christmas culture in this nation today. Lord, help us seek you, "The Lord of Christmas," the Lover of all mankind. Master, help us seek to follow your powerful footsteps. Help us to be still and know You are our God. Help us Master to be quiet inside to hear Your gentle voice. You, Master, are God, The Word, who became flesh and dwelt among us. You came to the cradle to go to the cross to show ultimate love as You paid the sin debt for all mankind. From the cross to our heart, setting us free if we will just continue to live a life of believing with a circumcised heart, denying self, repenting of selfish ways, and dying to much more of our own selfish ambitions. Help us Master to deny the easy and wide path of the masses to know you more.
The Master is walking a difficult road that leads me to an abundant life for eternity. The gate to get through is very narrow; I cannot take the baggage and stuff of this world with me. It is just big enough for me to press through with a believing heart and repentant spirit. It is a very low gate also which requires me to humbly bow down with my face to the ground of the poor and needy in order to see His glorious face on the other side. Like a totally dependent child I must follow Him in the dark knowing He is holding my hand when I can't see. I must follow Him into life's dark forests of danger and hardships to find the unspeakable treasures of His kingdom He has promised me.
Just when I think all is lost I see His light leading me out to a place of clear refreshing waters and rest. When my heart seems overwhelmed He just leads me to the rock that is higher than anything else. I find His words written for me to eat. I partake of the strength of His words for another journey to a place higher with Him and closer to my destiny.
Every step I take to follow the Master is an adventure of pleasure and peace if I choose to respond in every situation to the greatness of the Masters heart for me. This adventure is unknown on the wide path of the masses. The pure contentment of following the Master's narrow road does not depend on having much or little, it does not depend on sorrow or joy, nor does it depend on the way being easy or hard. The road is dirty, with many hills to climb, battles to fight, sometimes muddy, sometimes painful, but full of real life. If you can look and see beyond the natural eye this narrow way is glistening with gold and paved with an eternal weight of glory.
So this is Christmas season 2006 and the Master is fully aware of you, your time disasters, your expectations, your responsibilities, and your heartaches. He knows the hopes and dreams of all. His heart aches for each one of us to know Him. He desires to hold us close to His heart, to talk with us, to love on us, and to be there for us to give us what we are desperately in need of the most. He is not just in the church services; He is in our whole lives. He is not just in the parties and shopping sprees, He walks the streets of the city, and He walks among the poor, the homeless, and the fatherless. He walks the jobs with us. He is there when we go to sleep; He is there when we wake up. He is there when we feel stressed, lonely, hungry, sad or mad. He is there to ease our pain, heal our body and soul. He is there to fill our lack. He is not in our busy time frames or lifestyles. He is never too busy to spend time with us.
Beloved, we will never find "The Master" in all His great love and power by following the wide path. It is the path that can seem so right, can make sense, seem much easier and the majority is on it.
Is there a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Who knows? But absolutely at the end of this narrow road led by the Master, Jesus Christ, is an eternal life of love, peace and joy that will exceed far above our ability to think or imagine.
Father God help us to focus on the meek and lowly ways of Jesus Christ this Christmas season and really find more of Him. He longs for us!