HEAVINESS By Vince Hawks


When I returned from a morning walk today, I thought I needed to share the following:

 I proceeded down the sidewalk as I normally do and began praying about numerous issues that Janee and I are aware of.  They include issues concerning some close family members, very good friends, God called ministries, the nation and the world.

I began feeling a heaviness as I continued praying, not physically but in my spirit.  I continued and completed the walk of about 40 minutes and the heaviness continued.  For those who may not be totally aware of my basic personality, I am a glass ½ full type person, I usually at least try to see the positive aspects of circumstances and situations.  So this has kind of got my attention…as looked at these scriptures and the heaviness lifted.

Jesus said in John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace…”.  So what “things” is Jesus talking about?  Earlier in the chapter, verse 16, Jesus said  “A little while and you shall not see me…’  Jesus is telling the disciples that change is coming and nobody really is prepared for or likes change.  Jesus is saying this event, though the prophets foretold it numerous times in the Old Testament, will still take you by surprise. Jesus is telling them to prepare for an event that will rock their world.  That event was his impending death on the cross.  Jesus is saying that in spite of the “heaviness” you will no doubt feel you can find peace in me.

Verse 16 continues “…and again, a little while, and you shall see me, because I go to my Father”.   The end of the chapter in verse 33, Jesus says “…in the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Jesus did not say tribulation (and heaviness) may come…He said it shall come. He also said he has overcome and 1 John 5:4 says we, overcome the world.

 So be encouraged friends… even though circumstances of the world, the nation and at times in our personal lives look so big they will be nearly impossible to deal with.  You can overcome and find peace in Jesus!

Vince Hawks