The Vision of Trumpets of Zion ministry for the Nations

The Vision of Trumpets of Zion ministry for the  Nations

Africa and America or any Nation must be birthed into The Kingdom of God and follow this Kingdom vision to see the nations change.

The pure gospel of Jesus Christ is the gospel of the Kingdom of God that He preached, taught and demonstrated, and then sent the Holy Spirit to empower His church to do the same. The Holy Spirit is the governor of the Kingdom who lives with us and in us to empower us. He alone can impart this new culture, the language, the government, power and agape love of a new Kingdom to us. The Holy Spirit only can secure in us the commonwealth, and unity of one King. The church must serve and steward the theocracy of Jesus Christ organized and protected by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. This is foundation and we add all the truths Jesus and His Apostles taught to form the full house of God. The Kingdom starts within us. It is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. It must be solid, mature, full and running over within us first before we can release such power as Jesus and the apostles did and even greater as He said. This is the greatest need for any culture today. We, of all races and nations must transform to the character of the King and the culture of the Kingdom of God. Jesus is coming back soon to set His Kingdom up on the earth and the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea.  It will not be the church of just much religious activity but rather the church in obedience to God’s covenant and on fire with a constant abandoned love for the Lord that will carry the presence and the power of His Kingdom to this world now.

Trumpets of Zion has a Kingdom Vision to prepare the way of the Lord, for the King of Kings to return and set up His Kingdom on the earth. Religion has always caused war, persecution and death. The soul of man loves religion that is why there is so much of it. But our spirits are only birthed and built by the Holy Spirit and the word of the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom is “the rest of God” that moves with His ease. Man must cease from his own works to enter this rest of moving with the governor of the Kingdom. The Kingdom is a heart Kingdom, inside out, and produces citizens of God-likeness. When the church moves in the purity and power of the Kingdom truths, then the Greater Glory destined for this time in history will come. That is when all things will be possible and the whole body of Christ will do great exploits on the earth. The Kingdom of God wants to come on the earth as it is in heaven. The church is to hold the keys to open the gates of heaven for the King of Glory to come in. The greatest enemy to the Kingdom of God is the iniquity of religious pride and selfish ambition. Religion wants to kill the move of the Holy Spirit, shut up heaven and throw away the keys.

I believe  God impressed on my heart that TOZ  is an underwater ministry, meaning it is an apostolic ministry that can only be sustained by the breath of God, “THE HOLY SPIRIT.” It is not to move in the traditions of man, but in the fresh move of God. It is to move in the “DEEP” with Discipleship, Empowerment, Evangelism, and Prophecy all working together to change a nation. You must first change hearts and lives to change a nation. “Not by might, not by power, but BY MY SPIRIT, SAYS THE LORD. Jesus said, SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM and then all the rest will be added. It is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Our prayer for Trumpets of Zion “here in US” and for Trumpets of Zion  “there in Kenya” and throughout Africa is that God will shake, root up, tear down, and pull out everything in these ministries that is not birthed in the Kingdom, following Kingdom vision and empowered by Holy Spirit in hungry, humble, surrendered hearts. The Kingdom is for the pure of heart with clean hands. Our God is a consuming fire and may He burn up all that does not please Him.  God’s plan is great for us all!   We must stay solid in what God has begun as He will complete it.

In His great love,

Vince and Janee Hawks

Trumpets of Zion