Category Archives: Messages

Overheard a Meeting of Alarm from the Courts of the Dark Kingdom

by Janee Hawks

An alarm was sounded in the Kingdom of Darkness! All were called to assemble to the devil’s courts. He arose from his throne with great rage and begins to declare, “We must intensify the battle against the image of God on the earth.” We must take out multitudes to hell and target our worst and most subtle weaponry against the believers in Jesus Christ as their Lord and King. We cannot allow Jesus Christ to take any more ground, for I am king. The earth belongs to me. Shouts of sheer supernatural evil were resounding throughout the second heaven as the devil proclaimed his deception.


As the armies of hell, crowd of fallen angels and demons, became quiet the planning began. Here is an example of their plans: Start by blinding them with so much pollution; the thick veil of deception and make them indifferent with drugs of discouragement and doubt. Cloud their vision with worldly pleasures until they slide into the love of my world system, for it will keep them from experiencing the love of God as their Father.

Go put them in a fog of too much self-focus and introspection so they will not have Holy Ghost spiritual focus. Make them dizzy with busy and busier until they stagger and become lame. Weigh them down with too much of everything especially the good things so they will never notice.

Overwhelm them with so much anxiety over the cares of life, and intoxicate and desensitize them with all that my world system has to offer. Steal their spiritual disciplines so we can stop them from engaging in the world as light and salt.

Give them more violence and sex to watch and be sure you tantalize them with my witchcraft and supernatural powers. Their eyes and ears are our gates. We must get this generation. We must keep them mesmerized with their technologies to rob all their time. Also rob them from any encounters with their God; give them so many attractive and legitimate things to do.

Steal their presence of God with pride over their spiritual accomplishments. Steal their time so they will not stand on any of those promises God gave and most of all so they will not get to know Him. Stifle their love with offence toward their own and torment them with situations they will not easily forgive.

Weigh them down with false responsibilities, wrong commitments, so they will be ineffective, lacking in real commitment and God given responsibilities. Crowd their calendars so they forget they are to be led by Holy Spirit’s calendar too.
Overload their spiritual plates with so much conflicting material until they become confused. Then they will not be able to partake of the one balance spiritual diet Holy Ghost would select for their own personal transformation.

Give them ideas and thoughts that will very subtly divide them and separate them. Twist it, use small-decorated lies, religious doctrine, and make them stubborn to work out their difference. Rob them of power with judgments against each other. We cannot let them become one. We cannot let them find the harmony in their differences. Their unity will only give them much more power. Cause their love to grow cold.

Complicate everything in their life, make their relationships difficult, and steal their money, strip their wages, make them more work and steal their memories and thoughts from their minds. They must not know they have the mind of Christ, a sound and spiritual mind. Let their minds be on such overload and their hearts heavy so they will never be still and hear the voice of their God.

Now maybe their faith will begin to waver and they will shrink back. Maybe their conscience will weaken by ignoring the issues. Maybe they will start to lose touch with God as they disobey. We want their bodies to begin to rule, self-gratification and ambitions to prevail; spiritual idols to creep in with pleasure seeking. Soon we are going to starve them and maybe they will no longer hunger and thirst for their God.

Don’t you see? They are going to shoot us down. Their leaders are starting to reveal to them the power of the Cross of Christ and that endless power of His blood. They are getting it, that they are only a prayer of faith away from a complete rescue, restoration and what they call redemption. They are screaming “LET MY PEOPLE GO! And it sounds like its coming from God’s throne. More Angels are being released to them.

Don’t you see? Don’t you see them? They are arising to their glory; they are walking as more than conquerors, they are going to become the glorious sons of God. They are beginning to reign as Christ’s kings and priests. The “whole body of Christ “is trying to infiltrate our world. We cannot let them converge and form unified power. We cannot let all of Christ’s body begin to walk in the power and works He did on the earth. We must destroy His image in them. We must stop their advancement of the Kingdom of God. They are waking up! They are becoming fully alive and we will not be able to stop them.

Go intensify your attack, for God says Greater is He in them then we are.
Church of Jesus Christ, come together in the unity of His love,

“Arise; shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1-3

Divine Explosion is Coming

Prophecy given to me by the Lord in prayer on July 28th 2011. – Janee Hawks

The Lord spoke to me “DIVINE EXPLOSION” is coming.

Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered;
Let those also who hate Him flee before Him. Psalms 68:1

It will be destructive to the enemy’s camp.
God will arise and every enemy will be scattered in many lives and long-term oppositions will be scattered into nothingness. Many blockades of delay will be blown up. Evil oppressions, unhealthy habits, and ungodly strongholds in people’s lives will be shattered and blown apart.
Governments, media, cities and nations will see the results of the mighty arm of the Lord. They will be shaken and disarmed. This increase of light from the explosion will unveil darkness and deception in many high places and people.
Many of the devils schemes of destruction will backfire on him: and they will be turned into great advancements for the Kingdom of God.
The enemy will have his season but the church of Jesus Christ will arise to its intended glorious state and the words of John will come to pass “The spirit and the Bride say come.” Then the Father will say Jesus, go get your bride.

“The spirit and the Bride say come.” – Revelation 22:17

It will explode and release a violent expansion in the Kingdom in which energy is transmitted outward as a shock wave.
There will be fragments of power and glory hit the body of Christ and Kingdom ministries all over the world. (Like fire balls and glory bombs)
There will be outbreaks of revival and salvations from those fragments aiming with purpose throughout the atmosphere. Transformation will erupt.
There will be sudden increase in many arenas of life, outbreaks of the miraculous and the beginning of brand new activity in the spirit realm. There will be sudden outbursts of passion, light and sound in God’s Kingdom believers.

I really feel it is a prophetic word on a large scale, which just says God is going to display His greatness to this world. It will not come in our way but in His way. It may not all be easy or even comfortable at times. It may surprise many and not be the expected. The charge to us all has nothing to do with who we are, or how much we are loved, or what we do or don’t do, but rather just


We are to begin now to decree it over our lives, our families, our churches, our cities, and nations for it will come.


South Africa – December 2010

Vince and I were honored to take part in a mission trip to South Africa with our church Atlanta Revival Center and pastor Vance Murphy. We ministered every evening for a week in a tent church in the area of Tonga located about 10k from Mozambique border, and 15k north of the Swaziland border.

Ministering in South Africa

Every service was unique and each night God allowed us to experience the fire and glory of God. We saw hundreds of people come to Christ for salvation. Many were delivered and healed in body and soul. Many were encouraged in the Lord. The darkness of witchcraft was pushed back in the area as the power of the Kingdom of God was released. The pure and simple gospel of Jesus Christ preached always releases the power of the God. We believe for the fire of God to remain with them so much more can be done to the Father’s praise and glory.

Response to Altar Call

We visited the children’s home of IRIS ministries, praying and encouraging them. We also attended a children’s feeding center near-by and was able to assist in their Christmas Party. We saw 400 eat with only enough food for 200. This is not unusual for them to experience. Little ones lined up with their little bowls to get a small portion of rice. They are so amazing to see the joy on their faces and in their hearts because of the love of Jesus they experience.

Vince at IRIS

We were blessed to be a part of the personal ministry among our group and develop closer relationships with the church body. One particular Morning Prayer meeting was charged with the power and presence of God among the group. It also directly affected the tent meeting that evening with great victories in taking ground for God in the Tonga area and in the personal lives of the people.

Janee at IRIS’ Feeding Center

Finally, a first time perk for us was a day tour through Krueger Park, the world’s largest natural habitat animal reserve. It was amazing that we saw everything except the cheetah up close and personal. One pride of Lions were about 100 feet from our vehicle and even a huge rhino so close we could see his eyes. The whole experience was a special gift from God.

We love Africa and cry out for this continent to become a force of God’s light on the earth. Africa will light the world as it burns with the fire of God’s love.

Vince and Janee Hawks

The Heart of Life

Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are all the issues of life
Proverbs 4:23

The heart is an incredible pump in our body. It pumps the flow of life, the blood, through us every day as it beats continually without any rest. It brings nutrients to us, oxygen to us, and filters out what could hurt us. It is the center of all other systems in our body; all life flows from the heart to the rest of our body. This amazing heart God created and put in us. He made it in the image of God. His heart is surely the center of all that exists throughout eternity. It is His heart that pumps life into everything that has breath or life. All breath is in His hands. All creation bows down to His greatness and waits for His flow of life upon it.

The heart God has given us is located between our soul and our spirit. Our heart holds one hand with the soul part and one hand with the spirit part of us. Hebrews12:4 says only the word of God can divide and discern between the two. God lives in the spirit, but the soul must be renewed to oneness with the God who lives within.

The Kingdom of God begins in the spirit heart that has been made brand new by the entrance of the Holy Spirit. So the spiritual heart holds a new creation in Christ. But part of the heart lies in the mind, will and emotion which is the soul and it must willingly be dedicated to process of becoming one with the Holy Spirit and the word of God.

Something deep inside me witnesses to me that the Heart of the Father God was my first home. And I am now finding my way back to live in this world from that Heart. When Holy Spirit is freely moving in the heart He will build the righteous nature, the peace and the joy within and without that was full and rich in Jesus Christ. In other words, He will build the Kingdom of God in you. He will build within the friendship and intimate communion with the God the Father and Christ Jesus. He will build within the power to destroy the works of the enemy and to turn the injustice of this world system to justice. The Kingdom of God will be released from you.

The Kingdom of God is to be released to the world around you with the same flow of God life that was in Christ Jesus. It is a heart to heart kind of life. Your heart beating in tune with Jesus’ heart and doing the things He did. Two hearts becoming one. Many hearts in Jesus becoming a force on the earth that conquers through love and touches many lives with that love. My heart cries out for more of this love. My prayer is that I want to love God, as He deserves to be loved with His own love. Holy Spirit you are the one who comes into us and immerses us into His love and power so humbly I ask you, humbly I cry out for more.

I believe our great God is a Father who loves and wants a family for eternity. He gave His heart when He sent the Word of God, the second person of the Godhead to the earth and named Him the only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Jesus came from the very heart of God to save us by paying the sin debt for all of mankind which caused His heart to burst wide open as He bore it all on the cross. But the grave did not hold Him for He became the first fruits of a new resurrected mankind. Those who would believe and give their hearts to Him would experience a supernatural change in their heart; He would be a new creation in them. He saw those who would come to Him and believe in Him as a pearl of great price worth giving His own life to save. He saw us like a beloved bride for eternity. He saw an eternal family, in the image of His Father whose hearts would beat as one with His.

He spoke that the answer to eternal life was to love the Lord your God with all your heart. He created the heart to love not hate. He created the heart to sing, to be filled with joy, to worship. And all hearts will worship something or someone because that is their main purpose. It is worship, the worship of our lives that is the muscle of the heart and it will beat for what it worships.

How keenly the fallen cherub Lucifer is aware of this truth so He works from the very beginning of time to create as many forms of religions, of glittering forms of seductions for the heart and influencing the worship of all creation instead of the creator. His greatest deception is planted in the heart of mankind from birth. His fall was pride that wanted worship for his own self. He wanted to be celebrated and so lead the revolt against God. When Adam and Eve came into agreement with him in the garden Lucifer was legally able to capture mankind and plant his fallen nature in them. Satan bound all of mankind in an orphanage of sin and death, becoming their father of lies, stealing them away from their God who is the Father of Love. Lucifer fell into prideful rebellion under heaven’s perfect conditions and great glory in the very presence of God. Jesus came and opened those prison doors to our orphanage positions and mindsets and set us free from the sin and hopeless death that bound us. We have the right to become sons of God with all the benefits of the Fathers house and eternal inheritance. Praise the Lord!

Through believing in the one absolute truth and giving our lives up to Jesus we become a new creation with a new heart. Now Holy Spirit does something supernatural in us; Christ Jesus is born in us and for the first time we are free and have new life that never ends. Our lives then become a season of decisions to let God renew our minds to His word and promises, to help us learn to love like He does, and to build His family on the earth until He returns again to set up His Kingdom of earth. Now He is building His Kingdom on the earth through His sons and daughters who have given their hearts to His heart to find the grace to be empowered to live this life for Him in all circumstances and all environments and all relationships.

“Oh God all the Glory is due You! Jesus all the joyful benefits of your suffering are due You.”

An Offering of Faith and Gratitude for the Blood of Jesus

This offering of faith and gratitude is related to the article on the blood posted last week. If you have not read that article, you can read that article by clicking here.

“A written offering of My Faith and Gratitude for your Blood, Jesus”

Thank you Jesus for Your Righteous Holy blood shed on the cross for us. We receive your life DNA as we lay down our lives and allow Your liquid love to pierce our hearts so a supernatural transfusion can happen.

Because of Your blood I can be clean, without spot or stain of sin in my heart and life. Every sin or transgression is erased and I am washed white as snow. Even the deep inner iniquity or heart trouble is blotted out of my soul and spirit. I can live in your righteousness.

Because of Your blood, my mind is whole, my will is strong for you, and my emotions are stable in your love. My body is set free from disease and sickness. I am healed and whole body, soul, and spirit.

Because of Your blood I can have your DNA. I can be like You. I can look like You, Jesus.

Because of Your blood I am strengthened from day to day with God life; the nutrients of heaven are transfused into me.

Because of Your blood I am delivered from all the evil powers of darkness, demonic wickedness, weapons, and strategies of the devil.

Because of Your blood I am protected from plaques and disease. Your blood is the antidote. Your blood kills the disease and Your blood is mine.

Because of Your blood I am marked and sealed for it is sprinkled on my whole life. I am protected in the judgment and wrath to come.

Thank you Jesus for giving me Your life- blood. Know me and keep me faithful to confess my sin before you that my body, soul, and spirit can be cleansed, pure and holy. I will see YOU. My whole life will be covered, and empowered to the praise of Your glory and to the riches of your inheritance in me.


When I See the Blood

God says, ”When I see the blood of my Son sprinkled on a life by faith, I will pour out My goodness and mercy. I will heal all their diseases and keep them from the plagues of the earth. I will protect them from the schemes and devices of the enemy and bring them out of tribulations with more than enough. I will cleanse them of all their transgressions and deep heart iniquities. When I see the blood of my Son I will give my Divine energy and strength. All things that pertain to life and godliness I will give them. Every good and perfect gift from above I will give them. When I see the blood I will deliver them from the chains the devil has put on their feet, I will take the evil controlling yokes from off their necks, I will loose the fetters that bind their hands and hearts from godliness and purity. God says “when I see the blood of my Son on the doorpost of a life, a heart, a family then I will pass over them with my death angel of judgment. I will let my wrath pass over them and not touch them. I will give them light when all around there is darkness, I will give them food when none is to be found. I will give them water from the most unlikely places. I will shade their life, satisfy their soul and pour out My grace upon them.”

God says, “When I see the blood of my Son, I see one who is overcoming their own fallen nature, the lust of the world, a testimony of Jesus Christ; He is a living witness of the real love and power of Jesus Christ. And he loves not his own life unto death because the same power that raised Christ from the dead into immortality is fully alive in His eternal being. For the one whose faith is overcoming through the power of Jesus blood, death has lost its sting and the grave has lost its power. They know deep within the best is yet to come.”

When God sees the blood of His son today He sees a life that knows there is still power today in the shed blood of His Son Jesus Christ. When God sees the blood He sees one who believes Jesus suffered and died shedding His righteous holy blood for us to possess. A supernatural transfusion takes place and the Spirit born heart and spirit receives a Holy righteous blood for he is a new creation and will become a partaker of the DNA of God His real Father. The Spirit of God sprinkles the lives of believers with the royal heavenly blood and then comes the oil of His anointing for love and service.

Since we existed in God the Father’s heart before we were ever in our mother’s womb, our goal in this life is to return to that heart of our Father God through the Holy Spirit and live this life from that great heart of love. From the Father’s heart God life is transfused into us; Christ inside, His nature and His power is cleansing us, changing us and marking us for protection. All the benefits of His divine blood are ours.

God says, “Where I see the blood of my Son, I will give access to all I am and all I have. These lives will be my eternal family, I will be their God and they will be my Sons and Daughters. They will live with Me in My new heaven and new earth forever and ever.”

Father God we pray bring a revival of faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ to your people and to the earth once again.

A Divine Work of Love

If I were to entitle this word “Repentance” no one would want to read it. So I titled it what true repentance really is, a work of love from our Father God. It is NOT condemnation, or shame or guilt. It is NOT God wanting to punish us. It is an act of the Fathers love to us. It is a beautiful thing in our lives because it causes us to be as close to our God as we can. He wants us to walk and talk with Him in the light of His love. It causes us to have the right to stand under a fountain of the divine blood of Jesus and be washed clean and be refreshed body, soul, and spirit.

When I went through a recent major surgery I was not able to shower for 14 days. When I finally was able to stand under that clean warm water and feel the refreshing of soap and water pouring over me it was wonderful. It refreshed my whole being. That experience is to be a regular part of our lifestyle.

It is no different when we live a lifestyle of repentance regularly with the Lord. It is refreshing to know we can continually stay clean in our conscience, pure in our intuition and unhindered in spirit worship. Our soul can stay focused toward God and sensitive to our spirit. We can stay hungry for His presence and power in our lives. Even our bodies can be energized. That is the power of the cleansing flow of the blood of Christ as we learn how to stay “humbly’ before the throne of grace, being “honest with ourselves” to have a “genuine confession” and a “turning away” from the desires of the flesh nature in us. In a sense repentance is a spiritual shower.

We can have the wrong idea about our Father who loves us so perfectly. He is the giver of every good and perfect gift. All we have been given is for life and godliness so that we live in this world unmistakably as true sons and daughters of God. In God there is absolutely no darkness, He is the Father of light. He is patient, kind, just, and full of mercy. He is love. His judgments are always just and right. They are His love as they draw His creation back toward Him so He can forgive them and bless them. Repentance is a gift from the Fathers love. It is the right to stand under the fountain of forgiveness through Jesus blood. It wipes away even the stain of sin. This spiritual shower gives us the clean hands and pure heart. Then we truly can ascend the hill of the Lord where we commune with Him in His presence and be empowered.

True repentance is judging yourself that you might not be judged. It is a pride crusher. It is not suffering or to be feared and treaded, but rather a blessing in Kingdom culture.

True repentance is sorrow over distance between you and God or you and people. It is the strong desire and action always toward “reconciliation” with God or people. Therefore it maintains intimate fellowship with the Lord and His family. It testifies the witness of Jesus Christ, who is the Fathers love to all. It releases the “redeeming power” of Christ into your life to buy back any thing you have lost. It takes humility, integrity, and faith to fully experience this gift.

I John 1 explains it so well. God says if we do not accept a repentant lifestyle and be honest with ourselves our fellowship is broken and we (verse 7 and 9) we could be listed under the hypocritical (verse 6) or the deceived (verse 8 ) or rebellious pride. (verse 10). Thank God we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one who gave His life for us. He is our mercy seat and it is His blood that cries out for us (see I John 2:1). Read I John 1 and 2. It is one of the greatest messages ever written.

Scripture tells us Jesus will come for us, a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle. There is only one way for that to be possible and that is through His blood in genuine repentant living. So Christ the “perfect one” will come when He sees His own righteous reflection in His church, which is His body and His eternal family. Wow! Praise God! I want to live in this place. How about you?

Kingdom Peace Story

Lord, we ask you today for real peace! Peace is “freedom.” Webster says peace is freedom from war, violence, and all disturbances that would keep you from quiet tranquility or mental calm and serenity.

Peace is a heavenly commodity that has to come to earth through the kingdom of God. It is His gift to us who believe and see Christ Jesus for who He is. Jesus said when he went away, “I will not leave you comfortless but I will give you another in My place. He will be My peace in you. Peace I leave with you, it is My gift to you, and it is not the same as the peace the world gives.” This peace that is so beyond our understanding is found in communion with the Holy Spirit who Jesus has given to His own.

I want to share one experience that has made this truth a reality that lives in me. In 1970 I experienced a peace that I knew was supernatural and would always be with me. My three-year-old son died after five days in a hospital struggling to live due to a tonsillectomy. Respiratory complications existed in the recovery room and he was not able to regain the damage done. I leaned into Jesus, who I was just getting to know.

He graced me with a holy peace and wrapped His arms of strength around me. The strength of His peace gave me a sense of security. Even though there was the shock of crisis and the deep grief of loss I was able to function in a calm state of serenity. In the weeks, months and years to follow I was to learn about His peace and His great faithfulness in the midst of the worst crisis I could imagine.

In the midst of this particular lengthy life-storm I was divinely kept in a state of freedom from damage and despair. It was real peace. The peace rested faithfully in my heart and mind. It was not dependent on what difficulties I had to face going through a funeral, or telling his two sisters why he was no longer with us. It was not dependent on the rough days ahead for me of missing his smile and giggles, or his hugs and kisses. When I had to remove his clothes and toys from his room my tears flowed like a river but it felt that they were being kept and used to wash away my grief. When I had to set the table without my little son’s plate my aching heart struggled in desperation for comfort and I found it in a divine person who knew pain and heartache beyond any man.

Jesus shared His comfort with me and now I know how to share comfort with others. This peace had His strength in it that enabled me to do what I would have never believed I could do. I found a part of me that I did not know existed. There were times of grieving where I felt so life-less and despondent but as I leaned into Jesus it would change. Looking back the best description of what I experienced is it seemed like a liquid healing ointment would touch me and was being smeared on my heart. I know now it was the love of God. You see this became Jesus revealed to me. This touch was a person; it was Jesus, who has been my faithful redeemer and friend now for 38 years. And it was Holy Spirit; Who Jesus gave as His gift to be in me and with me. And through every trial of life I am still learning to lean into His peace more and more.

You do not find real peace when your bank account is full, or when your job is secure, or your health insurance is paying the doctor bills. You don’t find real peace when life is handing you all sunshine and roses. You find real peace that passes all human understanding in great trials, impossible challenges, and the raging storms of life. His treasures are found in dark lonely places of emptiness, pain and brokenness. He is very near in times of trouble and so ready to show us who He is for us. He is always there to give His peace.

Today this country is facing a storm of great velocity that will shake the lives of many, including believers. People need the Lord. This world cannot find this kind of peace until the King of peace returns again to the earth. His Kingdom is peace. Jesus Christ is real peace personified. He gives Himself to us in the gift of the Holy Spirit Who will forever be with us and in us regardless of the worst circumstances. Holy Spirit is comfort and much more.

Lord, again, we ask you today for real peace! There is hardly a nation, a family or a person who is not in need of this real peace today.

But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you. “Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.] – John 14:26-27 (Amplified)

Anchored to Win

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil”….Read Hebrew 6 13-20

Hope is the anchor that keeps us steady through all the storms, the transitions, the mountain climbing, the valley walk, the desert seasons and all life’s crises. Hope anchors us into the place where Jesus dwells. Hope anchors us into His presence no matter whether we can feel it in our emotions or not. It just does because God said it. Hope anchors us into the Most Holy Place where we find Jesus, His grace, His mercy, angelic ministry, the supernatural power of God, the sustaining power of God, and the revelations of God that defeat the gates of hell.

The Temple of the O.T. reveals what we have access to in that place. You are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and your spirit is that most Holy Place. When we can go deep within us into that place we connect with the throne room of heaven and we are securely anchored in unfailing hope. Now hope believes in what it does not see. Hope is the womb of faith. With Hope we develop the eyes of faith and can see what we hope for come to pass.

Our hope is absolute and unmovable if it is anchored in the unchangeable character of God and His immutable absolute word. God is always good all the time. He is just all the time. He is love all the time. He is unable to make mistakes. He is unable to do evil. He cannot lie. He is our God and creator and there is none greater. So all things, that means all things whether good or bad, work together in our lives for good if we love Him and are called according to His purpose. Even our mistakes or failures He can turn for our good. Our great God can take the worst-case scenario life could give us and turn it around for our good. He takes all the enemy tries to do and turns it around to the good of His people who fear Him in love. He is God and He does it because He can. It is Who He is. He is the great “I AM.”

How wonderful to be put into Christ, a resurrected man yet God, who prays for us before the throne day and night. The One we are anchored in is the One who lives forever to save us so completely in the every day of our lives even in the extremes. He lives to present us one day to the Father God a glorious people kept by the power of God to forever live with Him.

No matter what happens in this world or what the enemy has done to defeat you God can take it and turn it around to give you great increase of authority, love, compassion and faith. If you put your whole being into the absoluteness of our God; in who He is and what His word says, you cannot lose. No matter how the circumstances turn out you win, because you are anchored Christ Jesus who always causes you to triumph in Him. You will make it. You have been destined to conquer and in the end of the end YOU WIN. You will overcome with great gain, which is godliness (God-likeness) with contentment. I thank God for the victory for all of us. I thank God for the Lord Jesus, our ark, our strong tower, our refuge, our hiding place, our secret place, the strong man within us, and the stronghold of our lives.

Consider Your Ways

The Lord speaks to the prophet Haggai in a day when the people of God needed to “consider their ways”. They had been living in captivity to Babylon and its gods, but now God was moving to bring them out of bondage into a place where they could dwell in the freedom and presence of one true God. In the same way today in the church of Jesus Christ, there is a divine shaking of what has been built in order to transition His beloved into a secret place of refuge and intimacy with Him.

Sadly we find many parallels between God’s people today and in Haggai’s day. In the days of Haggai their eyes were on themselves and what they could do for themselves. In spite of all God had done to deliver them from all the error of their ways and their captivity; still they continued in selfish ambitions, to yoke with darkness and to mix in the activity of false religions, eating at the devils table of pleasures.

God spoke to them that He was with them and that He had stirred servant leaders to lead them into righteousness, justice and holiness. Haggai spoke of the holiness and purity of God’s temple that would require some separation.

” If one carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and with edge he touches bread or stew, wine or oil, or any food, will it become holy? They answered NO! And Haggai said, “If one who is unclean because of a dead body touches any of these will it be unclean? So the priests answered and said, “It shall be unclean.” Then Haggai answered and said, SO IS THIS PEOPLE, AND SO IS THIS NATION BEFORE ME, SAYS THE LORD AND SO IS EVERY WORK OF THEIR HANDS AND WHAT THEY OFFER THERE IS UNCLEAN.” Haggai 2:12-14

Only the Blood of Jesus Christ can touch that which is unclean and make it holy. But if we who have been made clean through His blood dabble in the unholy table the devil sets in this world we will become unholy. We have to know the difference between what is clean and what is unclean, what is holy and what is not. The Spirit of God who lives in His people is HOLY and therefore HE will lead us into holiness. Holiness is a lifestyle, which presents a higher standard of life. We who call ourselves Christian can no longer just ignore our own conscience for that is the means by which God purifies our dead works. If we justify our own wrong actions then we are tuning the voice of God out. There has never been a day when it is more important to hear the voice of God. There is great need for an awakening to the iniquity of our hearts and lifestyles that defile us before our God. Without holiness no man will see the Lord. (Hebrew 12:14)

Haggai’s speaks a message to them in their economic downward spiral:
“You have sown much, and bring in little. You eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves but no one is warm. And he who earns wages, Earns wages to put into a bag with holes.” Haggai 1:6

It took the prophet to wake them up to what direction they were going and why. Their priorities were out of order. The safety and prosperity they wanted was tied to their making this assignment from God their priority. First they were to begin to build His house (His Kingdom) and their lives to be holy temple in which the Lord could dwell. It is critical today to hear the voice of God for our direction in every area of life and obey it.

We must begin to build our lives, our business, our ministries, our homes and families to be fit for the King to come in with His presence and establish His kingdom for the Glory of God. It must begin on the inside and grow outward into greater works of fruitfulness that glorifies God. Then our lives will prosper in good days or dark days. The Glory of God will be greater on this latter house and shine brighter in these coming days of judgment. Hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the church today;

“Once more I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of all Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory, says the Lord of hosts. The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine says the Lord of host. The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former says the Lord of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, says the Lord of hosts.” Haggai 2:6-9

The word of the Lord was ” I will shake heaven and earth, I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, I will destroy the strength of the Gentile kingdoms. I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them; the horses and their riders shall come down. Everyone by the sword of his brother.” Haggai 2:22

Today “each believer” who has Christ inside through the Spirit of God is a precious stone that makes up His temple. This is our priority beloved; God wants above all to fill His family with Great Glory. In the midst of great darkness and turmoil that will come on the earth God wants His glory to arise upon you, clothing you with His presence and power.

God loves His family! Together we make up His temple. He longs to come into our gatherings and do as He wills. We must not forsake our gathering together for He longs to come upon us with His Glory. All that hold us back in darkness fades away in one moment in His manifested presence and His “transforming” love can then penetrate our whole being, spirit, soul and body.

God Desires Obedience

God says in His word that He desires obedience above sacrifice. He says that he desires love above great sacrifice, or great gifts or great anointing.
He first loved us so we could love Him. Love is first. Love is the beginning.
Obedience that is out of that first love is not burdensome, and it is how God imparts His love into our lives.


Obedience is the means by which God’s love is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). The Holy Spirit within us responds to obedience. Through obedience He sanctifies our lives from within the depths of the heart. He transforms us from within into His likeness as we obey the commands and the voice of God. The resurrected Jesus is born in us more and more when we obey. It is the power of the resurrected Lord Jesus that stabilizes our lives in victory regardless of our circumstances in life. God deposits more of Himself in you as you obey.


“Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice.” – I Samuel 15:22

“Who ever keeps His word truly the love of God is perfected in him.” – I John 2:5

“Faith works through love.” – Galatians 5:6

“And faith comes by hearing: and hearing comes by the word of the Lord.” -Romans 10:17

“But faith without works or obedience is dead like a body without a spirit.” – James 2:17-26

These scriptures are very plain and simple. God desires simplicity. He says if you will hear and obey My ways, My will, My written commands and principals; and if you will obey My voice from within or coming from another, then I will pour My love into you heart and through that love genuine faith will be added to you. When we obey from fear it is works, but when we obey out of love it becomes a mighty resurrection force within us that can be released with effectiveness toward others. To obey is to walk in a spirit connection with the Holy Spirit who is our Divine companion for eternity.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God.” – Romans 8:14

“For as we have been united together in the likeness of His death certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection.” – Romans 6:5


If we choose to obey the Lord, then we will have to deny the fleshly nature in us. We cannot live by the spirit and obey the demands of our body, or our soul that desire to dominate our lives. The mind, emotions and will are the dominating force in our lives until we are born again by God’s Holy Spirit. Your body gets it’s way most of the time. It is only possible to have real life now and eternal life with God by a second birth. This second birth requires life to be lived in Christ by the will of the Spirit. Therefore a disciple of Christ must daily nail the flesh to the cross every time it demands its way and let it die. Jesus will replace it with His Divine resurrected nature as we ask and believe. The resurrected Lord in us is our victory. And there is no resurrection without death. So obedience at the times when everything in you screams to have its own way is the pathway to experiencing a crucified life of love and power. It is in this path that you find life, that you know your God, and that you will encounter His supernatural power in your life and service to Him.

“Do you not no that as many as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death.” – Romans 6:3

“Always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life of Jesus might also be manifested in our body.” – 2 Corinthians 4:10


We can be saved and not blessed with the richness of that salvation because we really do not walk in an obedient lifestyle pleasing to the Lord. How we obey is an integral key to blessing. It is the human nature to think it is only the big things in life that we must obey, but God desires obedience in every small detail of our lives. Obey when your actions or words are misunderstood. Obey when it seems the opposite of what we want to do. Obey when it takes great patience and resilience. Obey when it is not seen or understood by anyone. Obey especially toward your spouse and family as you would any one else. Your home is no place to let your flesh have its way. Your marriage relationship and children is the most important place to walk in the Spirit and not obey the desires of the flesh. Obey when it feels impossible to do.

“Be not be deceived, God is not mocked; for what a man sows he will also reap.” – Galatians 6:7

To obey His ways we must read His Word and do it. To experience transformation we must hear His voice and obey it. The Lord reveals to me that I must obey without delay for the greatest anointing. And it must be all the way, not half way obedience. Saul obeyed some but not everything he was told to do. Therefore Saul lost blessing. The favor of God comes from obedience to all He asks of us through His grace every day. His grace is upon us to empower us not to excuse us. Of course there is grace and mercy and forgiveness with God. But do we often times fail to confess honestly and repent in order to receive that forgiveness. We can deceive ourselves and disobey our own conscious. We grow insensitive to our own obedience and therefore to the Holy Spirit.


We must live a life of humility to pray and seek the Lord and often fast in order to see ourselves in truth. God requires truth from the inward parts. And our only safeguard against deception is the “love of” the truth. (2 Thess. 2:10)
That means we love the truth at all cost. This is the pathway to righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. This is the pathway to the Kingdom of God manifested within the life of a true disciple of Christ Jesus and demonstrated without as led by the Holy Spirit. The alternative is living in the wilderness of the soul power, which is exhausting and has no capability of agape love or supernatural power. We will never produce God life from man’s traditional religions. We produce God life only through His Holy Spirit.

Let’s pray this prayer together if out of love for Jesus you desire to please the Lord above all:

Lord I humble myself now and ask you for more grace to obey your word and your voice without delay. I want to obey all the way, not half way and to obey you every day in all the details and relationships of my life, especially those dearest to me. I know your mercies are brand new every morning as I come to you humbly in faith. Help me to obey your voice in my spirit and Your written word to me. Help me know and obey your ways, your mind, your heart and your will for me; not out of fear but out of love for you. Awaken more love in me, awaken more abandoned love, consuming love, and capture my whole heart until you find no fear in me at all. We ask in the name of Your strong Son, Jesus Christ. Amen